Everyone in my class passed chemistry. Not everyone passed the Regents Exam. 52 students took the exam, but 19 failed it, that means 37% failed the exam. Historically, only 19% of the students in my class have not passed the exam.
Of the 19 who did fail the exam, eight had a score of 60 to 64, which means just a bit more effort and you might of had it.
The class average is 70.6%. Historically (20 years) it is 74.1%.
No one scored a 100%, but one student earned a 98%!
First period average on the exam was 68.5%.
4th period average on the exam was 72.3%
7th period average on the exam was 70.7%
The average for all of my classes was 70.6%
So far 1390 students with an overall average of 74.1%. A total of 80% of my students have passed the Regents Exam on the first try.
I always say that numbers in boxes do not measure everything that they try to. Still, these numbers sting me too. I will bounce back over the summer, and you should too. If you want to retake the regents exam in August, you need to contact Guidance ASAP. I will tutor you for free, at the Vestal Library. Please call me to ask to set up times. I am available for you.
It’s that time of year to find the time to do nothing. Just think, just imagine, and try to read this book pictured above. Wait until September for school to start, but be ready for it. Be content with all the fun you had, and realize that it will be time to come back to school.
Reflect on your year in school. Did you do your best? Why or why not? The harder you work, the better your life gets. Making yourself better is the whole point; and having a dog that knows not to poop on your kitchen floor.
Your final grades reflect a lot of things. You are not a number in a box, but you could have handed in one more HW rather than skipping it. You could have made up a celebration grade, or done that lab report when it was due, which added to your 2nd quarter grade, rather than handing it in during June, when it was only worth lab minutes.
Life gives you so many opportunities to reorganize. If it wasn’t a great year, change. If it was good but not great, start sooner next time. No need to kick yourself now, it’s too late for that.
I hope you think I did an okay job with the course. I tried. I am not perfect, and I can have a hard day once in a while too.
Life is so wonderful, I can only hope you can be patient to appreciate that. You can’t really be President and an astronaut and the center-fielder for the Yankees. You will have to find your way, letting some things go and finding new things for yourself. Don’t be afraid to start over. Don’t ever be afraid to be true to yourself. It’s your life. You have to tolerate adults only until you don’t. Be kind and be patient to everyone else. All of us old people are doing our best to help you, the best we know how. We don’t always know how either.
I am already working on my tan, and I hope you are too.
Charlie Arbuiso (I’m always going to be your chemistry teacher)