The State Education Department requires you to do a minimum of 1200 minutes of lab to qualify to take the Regents Exam. You have to do these labs (without copying them) and earn passing grades on them for them to be counted. Further, you must HAND THEM BACK IN, into the box in our classroom marked completed lab reports, because I must collect them, and save them in case they come to Vestal to “check up on you and me”.
Every year the State audits a few schools to keep us honest. Truthfully, they have never come to our school, which means they probably will soon. You must do the lab reports well and turn them in ASAP.
I will collect your finished labs, and store them as the “proof” that you met this minimum requirement. You will plan to do ALL of these lab reports for a grade, and you will do your best to never skip even one of them.
If you do not meet the lab requirement, you will not be allowed to take the Regents Exam in June. Since it counts for 20% of your overall final grade, if you do not meet the lab requirement, you will likely fail the course.
It will not matter how much you cry, or how much your parents cry, if you don’t meet the lab requirement, you will not take the Regents exam.
Most lab reports are 40 or 80 minutes, depending upon how much time we spend doing the lab.
Single period labs = 40 minutes, double period labs = 80 minutes.
We’ll do more than 30 labs and 30 lab reports this year.