
My name is Charlie Arbuiso, I’ll be your chemistry teacher.  Welcome to class.
Due immediately:  Student info form (card stock) and our signed agreement concerning your cell phone and ear buds.
All of the Measurement HW’s are due soon too and you will put them into the INBOX in our classroom.  On time and perfect gets full credit, late and perfect gets deductions.  Late and imperfect means you are not doing things right.
You are expected to READ the BASICS with your eyes and without distraction.  If you do, you will learn a lot.  If you don’t read what I ask you to, well, that’s bad. Bad is not good. (that’s important, remember that)
You will do your own work always.  If you copy, I remind you that copying is cheating, and cheating is bad.  Bad is not good.  (this idea is important and it comes up frequently)
Cheaters cry.  Cheaters get zero for their grade.  Cheaters will not fit well into this class.  If you think you can cheat, that’s bad, and bad is not good.  You may fool me once or even twice, but I will catch on and you will cry.  Crying is not too good either.  It’s always the same in the end.  Do your own work and you will learn.  Copy someone else’s work and both of you will cry.
I am so happy to have you in my class, we’ll get along fine if you work hard, be a good person, act nice to each other and try your best.  Let’s have fun in class too,  Fun makes chemistry easy, and that’s good.

1st Day Handout 2023-2024
Measurement Pack
MEASUREMENT SLIDE SHOW (guides us through the notes)
MEASUREMENT BASICS –  Required Reading

ZOOM #1 – for notes 1 – 17
ZOOM #2 – for notes 18 – 40
ZOOM #3 – for notes 41 – 53
ZOOM #4 – for notes 54 – 67
ZOOM #5 – for notes 68 – 74
ZOOM #6 – for notes 75 – 100
ZOOM #7 – for notes 101 – 111 (review)

Measurement Class Periods

1.  Day One Intro
2.  Measurement #1- Percent Error and Density
3.  Measurement Lab A
4.  Measurement Lab B
5.  Measurement #2 – Temperature, % Error, Density
6.  Measurement #3 Sig Figs
7.  Measuring Activity
8.  Temperature Lab A
9.  Temperature Lab B
10.  Measurement #4 Dimensional Analysis
11.  Measurement #5 Scientific Notation
12.  Density Penny Lab A
13.  we never have a 13!
14.  Density Penny Lab B
15.  Review – Practice
16.  Measurement Celebration of Knowledge